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Academic affairs English Language and Literature Department

BA Degree Program Structure

Students must complete 132 credits to graduate. Courses students are expected to enroll in fall under the following categories:

  1. General Education [45 credits]

    All Students are expected to develop their general education requirements by completing 45 credits in various fields of expertise in humanities and sciences. 


  2. Skills [6 credits]

    DELL students are expected to complete 6 credits from a series of skill courses. These courses are specifically designed to strengthen English writing and speaking skills.


  3. DELL Core Requirements [ 39 credits - Courses in literature and linguistics]

    All DELL students are required to complete 39 credits from the core courses offered. These compulsory courses are designed to introduce students to the various fields in literature and linguistics, developing a strong foundation to build upon depending on the field they choose to pursue. 


  4. DELL Concentration [12 credits - Courses in either literature or linguistics]

    Students must decide to concentrate on either literature or linguistics, completing 12 credits in the chosen pathway.


  5. Minor [24 credits]

    Students are required to minor by completing 24 credits. Although DELL students have the option of minoring in any department in the Faculty of Arts, we strongly recommend minoring in the following specializations: comparative literature, applied linguistics, translation or French. 


  6. Free Electives [6 credits]

    Students must also enroll in two courses (3 credits each) of their choosing. These can be courses offered by DELL or by any other department and/or faculty at Kuwait University.

 Please note the following when referring to the major sheet:

  • The course no. includes the faculty code number (first 2 digits), the departmental code number (second 2 digits), and then the specific course code number (the last 3 digits).
  • All DELL courses begin with 0320.  


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MA Degree Program Structure

DELL offers the following MA programs:

MA Program in Translation (36 credits)

COMPULSORY COURSES (15 units = 3 credits each)

0320-501      Theory and Practice of Translation   

0320-506      Translation and Meaning                                                     

0320-507      Editorial Techniques for Translation   

0320-508      Translation Workshop   

0320-509      Contrastive Discourse and Rhetoric (English/Arabic)           

ELECTIVE COURSES (12 units = 3 credits each)

The student should complete (4) courses from the following:

0320-510     Specialised Translation I: The Media

0320-511     Specialised Translation II: Economics and Politics

0320-512     Specialised Translation III: Law and Business

0320-513     Specialised Translation IV: Literature and Culture

0320-514     Specialised Translation V: Medicine and Science 

0320-517     Interpreting

0320-520     Translation and Culture

0320-521     Pragmatics of Translation

0320-522     Lexicography & Terminology

0320-523     Translated Texts: Criticism and Analysis

0320-524     Seminar in Arabic Linguistics for Translation Purposes

0320-525     A Special Topic in Translation

Compulsory (Thesis)

0320-599       (9)


MA Program in Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (30 credits)

COMPULSORY COURSES (9 units = 3 credits each):

0320-511 Research Methods and Ethics                                                                           

0320-512 Survey of Literary and Critical Theory                                                      

0320-513 Comparative Literature: Theory and Praxis

ELECTIVE COURSES (12 units = 3 credits each):

The students should choose (12) credits from the following list:

0321-505 Orientalism

0321-516 Arab Literature in Diaspora

0321-517 Literature and Ethnicity

0321-518 Biography and autobiography

0321-522 Comparative Studies Across Genres

0321-523 Gender and Literature

0321-525 Modernity/Postmodernity

0321-526 Themes in World Literature

0321-530 Travel Literature and Theory

0321-532 Literature and Film

0321-534 Popular Culture

0321-535 Visual and Verbal Representations

0321-536 Key Works in Arabic Literature

0321-537 Occidentalism

0321-538 Approaches to the Civic in Kuwait Literature and Culture

0321-539 Trends in Arab Intellectual History


0321-597     (0)

0321-598     (0)

0321-599 (0)


PhD Program Structure

PhD Program in Translation Studies (33 credits)

 COMPULSORY COURSES (15 units = 3 credits each):

0320-601 Research Methods in Translation Studies                                                                    

0320-602 Approaches to Translation

0320-603 Literary and Intercultural Communication

0320-604 Research Issues in Technical Translation

0320-605 Translation Commentary


0320-697/699  Thesis