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Mass Communication Department

Overview of the Media Department at Kuwait University

The Media Department at Kuwait University began offering courses in the 1992/1993 academic year with two specializations: Journalism and Radio & Television. In 2005, a new specialization, Public Relations & Advertising, was introduced to align with advancements in media and institutional communication.

As the department continuously evolves to meet the demands of the national and regional job market, and in response to the rapid changes in modern media and social communication, the graduation curriculum was revised in 2018 and officially approved for the 2023-2024 academic year with the following three modified specializations:


  1. Journalism and Digital Media (JDM)


  2. Strategic Communication: Public Relations & Advertising (SPA)


  3. Radio, TV, Film (RTF)


Credit Requirements:
  • Total graduation credits: 132
  • Major specialization credits: 54
  • General education credits: 48
  • Mandatory department credits: 21
  • Elective department credits: 6
  • Minor specialization credits: 24
  • Free elective credits: 6


Master's Program

In alignment with Kuwait University’s mission to enhance the capabilities of graduates and meet market demands for strategic media expertise, the department has proposed a Master’s Program. The program is designed according to graduate studies guidelines and keeps pace with the latest developments in various media fields, including public relations, advertising, journalism, radio, television, film, modern media, and social communication.

The initial proposal was submitted in 2022, with the program set to launch in the 2025-2026 academic year.


Master’s Program Tracks:
  1. Project-Based (Non-Thesis) Track
    • 15 credits - Core courses
    • 18 credits - Electives
    • 3 credits - Project
    • Total: 36 credits


  2. Thesis Track
    • 15 credits - Core courses
    • 12 credits - Electives
    • 9 credits - Thesis
    • Total: 36 credits

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