Under the generous patronage of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, the
Department of Philosophy at the College of Arts, Kuwait University, organized the First
International Conference on Logic in the Arab World. The conference was attended by leading
experts in mathematical logic from around the world, including Professor Graham Priest from
the City University of New York, Professor Gillian Russell from the Australian National
University, and Professor Eduardo Barrio from the University of Buenos Aires.
The conference focused on three main topics: non-classical logical systems, semantic paradoxes
and paradoxes of ambiguity, and finally, the philosophy and epistemology of logic.
During the conference, Professor Graham Priest discussed types of inconsistent logic and how
contradictory trivial matters can exist, while Professor Gillian Russell talked about the logic of
digital worlds and the nature of digital worlds, exploring how logical rules might be revised.
Professor Eduardo Barrio addressed logical validity and the possibility of a third value for logical
The first day of the conference concluded with thanks to the experts in mathematical logic and
all those who contributed to the success of the event.